Exploring the Serenity: Bhimbandh Wildlife Sanctuary, Munger, Bihar Nestled in the serene landscapes of Munger, Bihar, lies a hidden gem waiting to be explored – the Bhimbandh Wildlife Sanctuary. Spread across an area of approximately 682 square kilometres, this sanctuary is a haven for nature enthusiasts and wildlife aficionados alike. With its diverse flora and […]
Implementations of AI in BI for Business Success Implementing AI in BI can provide several benefits that can lead to business success. Where implementing AI in BI requires a combination of technical expertise, domain knowledge, and a solid understanding of the organization’s business goals. Organizations should start by identifying the areas where AI can provide […]
Online Education
What, Why, When, Where is Online Education Online education refers to a form of education that is delivered over the Internet using digital tools and technologies. This mode of learning allows students to access educational content and resources from anywhere in the world, at any time of the day or night, using a computer or […]
Dental Surgery
What is Dental Surgery. Bachelor of Dental Surgery.Dental surgery, also known as oral surgery, is a specialized field of dentistry that involves surgical procedures performed on the teeth, gums, jawbone, and other parts of the mouth. It is typically used to treat a range of conditions, such as impacted wisdom teeth, jaw misalignment, facial injuries, […]
Political Science
Know more about Political Science: Course details, Fees, University, Job OpportunityStart from beginning, What is politicsPolitics is a process of making collective decisions for a group or society. It involves the use of power, influence, and authority to determine how resources are allocated, how decisions are made, and how policies are implemented. Politics can take […]
Bachelor of Arts
BA degree in Environmental Science A Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in Environmental Science is a three years Undergraduate program that focuses on the study of the natural environment and the interactions between living organisms and their surroundings. This BA degree program typically includes courses in ecology, biology, chemistry, geology, physics, and mathematics, as well […]
अद्भुत, अविस्मरणीय मुंगेर
अद्भुत, अविस्मरणीय दृश्य को देखना हो तो अपने जीवन काल में तो एक बार मुंगेर जिला अवस्य पधारें। अद्भुत, अविस्मरणीय ऐतिहासिक धरोहर का समागम है मुंगेर में। मुंगेर से उत्तर की ओर गंगा माँ की लहरो से घिरा ऐतिहासिक किला, पूरब में पावन सीता माता का सीता कुंड, पश्चिम में कुछ दूरी पर अशोक धाम […]
Haveli Kharagpur Assembly
Haveli Kharagpur at a Glance
हवेली खड़गपुर अनुमंडल किस जिले में पड़ता है? हवेली खड़गपुर, तारापुर विधान सभा और मुंगेर जिले में है. हवेली खड़गपुर अनुमंडल की चौहद्दी क्या है? हवेली खड़गपुर, तारापुर विधान सभा और मुंगेर जिले में है. ह. खड़गपुर अनुमंडल के दक्षिण में अतुल्य, भीमबांध वन्यजीव अभयारण्य और जमुई जिला है। पूरब में तारापुर विधान सभा और […]